Saturday, November 28, 2009

Spread Cookies

There! This blog has finally been revived!!
So as promised.. this would be wholly solely a food blog.
Be prepared then, to feast with your eyes ;)

I was going through my daily routine of food-blogs scrolling and came upon this cookie recipe with a very unique name -

the "Spread Cookies" from the

The photos illustrated were mouthwatering!! Since the instructions seemed managable as well.. and time was all I have, I gave in... and committed the act of Impromptu Baking. ( which happens ever so often to me ). Blame the tempting pictures from that site!

The batter before it crisps in the oven

I scooped spoons and spoons of chips, more than what the recipe required ;)
and threw them all over the baked gigantic cookie-square

Pop it back into the oven..

And magic happens.....

Was supposed to show you how the choc chips were melt with your heart melting along with it....
But I forgot to take a snapshot of that! Booo.. forwarding.;
Spread the melted choc chips evenly over the cookie.. and thats how it would look like!
Hence the name- Spread Cookies. =)

Then you can cut out the cookies from the tray....

And happily arrange them on a metal rack to cool....

 You could resist not eating them when they are piping hot
With guey melted chocolate all over them.. =)

They were yummmmmyyy.. especially after freezing them in the refrigerator for a while.. also gave some as a gift for a friend's b'day. =)

Sigh.. of all days.. I had to read this recipe just a day before PROM! All the effort on resisting sugar itself came to a full stop.... that's why impromptu baking can be fatal at times, but guess it wouldn't make a difference by indulging a little right? ;)


  1. OMG! that looks absolutely mouth watering!! *droll* haha...


  2. hahha..I thought no one reads my blog anymore! yay BIG HUGS to you =)

  3. aaaahh! i want! lol...

  4. will call u the next time i bake another batch ya? then we can watch SYCTD with cookies! haha

  5. i dun even have a cake for brithday this sad..

  6. aww.. =(
    have you heard of the term " eat with your eyes" you can try that now =P

  7. me wants too! the pictures are making me hungry! plus im having cravings for ur ice-cream!!!! and the cake u baked for my bday last year! ur fault im hungry now! faster bake agn! x wait! teehee

  8. the cake last year.. gosh your tastebuds have memories!! hahaha. crazy girl. ya maybe i should bake more for u.. feed up! ;)

  9. yes yes!! u shud feed me more good stuff! im on my a 4H mission and 2 of them are to be [H]ealthier and [H] feed me all u want =)

  10. this wei-li? trying to find her.. please email
